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Create Caribbean Research Institute now has an official TikTok account. You can follow us @CreateCaribbean, where you can see more updates from us and cool projects our interns are working on.
Nouvèl: A New Literary Journal
Create Caribbean Research Institute, as part of its Caribbean Writers’ Room project, invites submissions for the inaugural issue of its upcoming journal: Nouvèl: New Writing Emerging from the Caribbean.
Nouvèl aims to meet the demand for formal publishing spaces of emerging writers of the Caribbean region, and aims to provide feedback and visibility to learners of the writing craft in academic and alternative spaces.
The journal is accepting submissions of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, visual art and book reviews based on a pre-approved list. The deadline for submissions is October 31, 2024. All submissions to the open access journal are free of cost. Authors are welcome to submit multiple works. For this issue, the journal will accept submissions in English language only.
To view author guidelines and make submissions, visit Create Caribbean Research Institute’s Submissions page.
The Pelican Lab: Our New Digital Humanities Space
Create Caribbean Research Institute in collaboration with The University of the West Indies, Mona Campus Main Library is proud to announce the opening of our new Digital Humanities Lab, “The Pelican Lab”.
The Pelican Lab is a research lab that offers access to advanced tools and resources for collaborative research, 3D printing, photogrammetry, and project execution.
The Pelican Lab, which is located on the second floor of the UWI Mona Main Library, will be open to the public for special events and workshops only. Stay tuned for upcoming updates on events and workshops.
Creativity & Cultures in the Borderlands: A Virtual Discussion
Join the Mellon Foundation’s virtual discussion on Creativity & Cultures in the Borderlands on Tuesday, October 22 at 4:00 p.m. (ET).
Though often contested in political debates around immigration and security, the Borderlands that transcend the boundaries of Mexico, sovereign indigenous nations, and the United States are also spaces of artistic invention, cultural renewal, and intermingled histories. What can we learn from new ideas and new approaches to the arts currently taking place in the region, and from the strength and stewardship of its many different cultures? In a year when both Mexico and the United States are holding presidential elections focused on the political border between the countries, how can we better understand and celebrate the intersection of the arts, culture, and social justice that lives among Borderlands communities?
Join Mellon Foundation President Elizabeth Alexander for a discussion with guests whose mission-driven work connects us to the Borderlands: Julián Castro, chief executive officer of the Latino Community Foundation; Dr. Patrisia Gonzales, emeritus associate professor, University of Arizona and advisor to the Indigenous Alliance Without Borders; and Cristina Ibarra, filmmaker & co-founding director of Borderlands Studios.
Click here to register for this virtual discussion.
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